ADHD Assessment

CComprehensive ADHD Testing at HMVPSYCH for Adults and Children

At HMVPSYCH, we recognize that Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can profoundly affect both children and adults. Led by Dr. Voulgarakis, our clinic specializes in providing comprehensive ADHD testing to get to the heart of the challenges and strengths each individual presents.

Understanding ADHD

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. While commonly diagnosed in childhood, many adults continue to experience symptoms that may interfere with daily functioning, relationships, and professional success.

Why Opt for Comprehensive ADHD Testing?

At HMVPSYCH, our psychoeducational evaluations, under the expert guidance of Dr. Voulgarakis, provide a comprehensive understanding of your child’s unique learning profile, setting the stage for their academic and personal success.

What Does ADHD Testing at HMVPSYCH Include?

adhd evaluation

Benefits of ADHD Testing at HMVPSYCH

Schedule Your ADHD Evaluation Today!

Whether you’re an adult wondering if ADHD might be affecting your professional and personal life or a parent concerned about your child’s attention and behavior, HMVPSYCH is here to provide clarity, understanding, and guidance. 

Reach out today to embark on a journey toward understanding and empowerment.